Monday, 18 February 2008

Web 2.1

Well here we go again. Just when I thought I had no spare time. Try anything once. Am waiting for Zamzar to send the document back to me. pdf's have been an imporant aspect of my computer life, as I used to get files from the Dark Side that Mac wouldn't open. It's real easy if things are saved as a -pdf. Mind you, I'm still working with Acrobat 6.0 - must update!!
Some of the things to do here look worthwile and interesting.
And from 2.0, has Karyn been able to get off Facebook yet? Some very interesting articles on how difficult it can be to remove any footprint there.


Bayside Library Online Learning said...

ot yet but I'm nearly over it!!! Karyn

LibraryDoggies said...

Did you know that facebook is funded partially by the CIA? Taht can go with my ASIO files too!